
Algebraic Number Theory

A workshop for young researchers

2–6 September 2024

Local information

The weekly ticket for zone M is recommended; this covers the whole area of the city of Munich as well as the bus lines needed for accessing the university. For travel to or from the airport, a single ticket for zones 1–5 (not M–5!) is required in addition to a ticket for zone M. There are ticket vending machines at all train and subway stations as well as on trams, and usually it’s possible to pay either by card or cash. It’s also possible to purchase tickets in the MVV-App.

Arriving at campus

From Munich Central Station (Hauptbahnhof, Hbf), take the U5 subway in the direction of Neuperlach Süd. Alternatively, take the S7 S-Bahn in the direction of Kreuzstraße or Aying to Neuperlach Süd. (The subway runs more frequently and is generally considered to be more reliable than the S-Bahn.)

From Neuperlach Süd: Take Exit D, then turn right to find Platform 6, and take either bus 199 or 217 in the direction of Neubiberg, Campeon West or Unterhaching. Get off at Universitätsstraße (third stop, about 6 minutes). Alternatively, it’s a pleasant 15-minute walk from Neuperlach Süd to the main gate: for this, take Exit A, pass through Schindlerplatz, then Maximilian-Kolbe-Allee, cross Perlach Park, and pass over Ludwig-Linsert-Straße, then turn left to Berghamer Straße, which brings you directly to the main gate. Note that while there are other gates, no visitors may enter the campus there.

From the airport, take the S8 to Ostbahnhof and then the U5 or S7 to Neuperlach Süd.

On campus

To be admitted, visitors must present a valid photo ID (e.g. a passport) to the guards at the main gate. After passing through the main gate, consult the campus map for locating Building 33.

Registration will take place on the ground floor of the easternmost wing of Building 33. Follow the signs to Audimax. All talks will be given in Lecture Hall 0231: this is on the northern side of Building 33 on the ground floor.


The simplest option to have lunch is the university Mensa, located just across from Building 33. Only cash payments are accepted. Vegetarian options are limited, and vegan dishes are practically nonexistent.


As a general rule, we will not book accommodation for participants. Beware of scammers claiming otherwise. When in doubt about the authenticity of accommodation-related e-mails, contact the organisers.

Universität der Bundeswehr München Hauptwache

University of the Bundeswehr Munich (red) • Munich Central Station (orange) • Neuperlach Süd (light blue) • Munich Airport (dark blue)

Source: Open Street Map